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Seaweed Health Powder for Pigeons: Splendid Feathers and Robust Health!

Seaweed Health Powder for Pigeons: Splendid Feathers and Robust Health!

Regular price €63,82 EUR
Regular price Sale price €63,82 EUR
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Seaweed Health Powder for Pigeons: Splendid Feathers and Robust Health!

Give your pigeons the gift of optimal health and beautiful plumage with this revolutionary powder!

This product, originating from mainland China, is a nutritional supplement rich in essential nutrients specially designed to promote feather growth, general health and well-being of pigeons.

Benefits :

  • Promote rapid and dense feather growth
  • Improve the quality and shine of plumage
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Boost metabolism and resistance
  • Reduce the duration of moulting
  • Promoting the health of young pigeons
  • Extending the lifespan of breeding pigeons
  • Improve egg fertility

Instructions for use:

  • Daily dosage: Mix 10 g of powder with 1 kg of slightly moist food.
  • Young pigeons: Administer daily after removal of the ring until the end of the moult.
  • Breeding pigeons: Administer daily for two weeks prior to mating and until young pigeons leave the nest.
  • Pigeon Racing: Administer continuously for two weeks before racing and for 5-7 days after returning home.
  • Feather Problems: Double the dose to treat broken, drooping or poor quality feathers , as well as slow feather growth.

Order today and give your pigeons the secret to vibrant health and lasting beauty!

Don't let your pigeons suffer from nutritional deficiencies. This seaweed health powder is the perfect investment to give them a long, healthy and happy life.

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