Van Oeckel Bart & Nance: A Prestigious National Victory in Tulle in 5753 pigeons

Van Oeckel Bart & Nance: A Prestigious National Victory in Tulle in 5753 pigeons

Pigeon enthusiasts will be familiar with the name Van Oeckel Bart & Nance, Belgian breeders renowned for their high performance pigeons. Their recent victory at the Tulle National Yearlings Race, with an impressive ranking out of 5,753 pigeons, is further confirmation of their excellence.

Based in Oud-Turnhout, Bart and Nance Van Oeckel have developed a rigorous and efficient methodology for breeding and training their pigeons. Their approach is characterised by meticulous attention to detail and constant adaptation to changing conditions. For example, they avoid flying their pigeons in very hot weather, preferring to keep them in quarantine and allow them to recover fully before reintegrating them into the racing team.

The winning pigeon from Tulle, from their prestigious line, is an excellent example of the quality of their birds. Descended from the famous "F16", this pigeon not only won first place in Tulle but also demonstrated consistent performances in other competitions, placing high in several important races.

In addition to this recent victory, Bart and Nance Van Oeckel have racked up a series of impressive successes this season. Their training method, which includes short to medium distance flights before taking on longer races, and their motivation system on total widowhood, have been essential in keeping their pigeons in top shape.

The victory in Tulle is not a fluke, but the result of years of rigorous selection and a strategic training program. Their pigeons, especially the descendants of the "F16", continue to demonstrate exceptional endurance and speed, confirming the reputation of Van Oeckel Bart & Nance as one of the best pigeon breeding operations in Belgium.

Mondialpigeons article
Van Oeckel Bart & Nance: Une Victoire Nationale Prestigieuse à Tulle dans 5753 pigeons
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