Luc Van Mechelen from Oud-Turnhout: 1st National Old in Bourges III 5529 pigeons

Luc Van Mechelen from Oud-Turnhout: A Champion at the Summit of Pigeon Racing Victory in the 1st National Vieux in Bourges III

On August 10, 2024, Luc Van Mechelen, a prominent pigeon fancier from Oud-Turnhout, wrote a new page in his career by winning the 1st National prize in the Old category during the Bourges III race.

Faced with fierce competition from 5,529 pigeons, the champion was able to demonstrate once again the excellence of his pigeons and his mastery in this demanding sport.

This victory is not only a testament to the quality of his breeding, but also the result of hard work and unwavering commitment to the practice of pigeon racing.

The Journey of Luc Van Mechelen Before Bourges III 

Luc Van Mechelen is far from being unknown in the world of pigeon racing. His previous results are a testament to his talent and perseverance:

1. 3rd National Argenton - July 15, 2024 : In a competition bringing together 4,836 pigeons, Luc's pigeon demonstrated a remarkable performance, placing in the top 3 and confirming its ability to distinguish itself in national races.

2. 1st Provincial Châteauroux - June 29, 2024 : A resounding victory against 3,259 pigeons, reinforcing his position as one of the best pigeon fanciers in the region.

3. 2nd Provincial Vierzon - May 20, 2024 : During this race, Luc's pigeon was able to maintain its position among the leaders, confirming the consistency of its performances.

The Keys to Success by Luc Van Mechelen

Luc Van Mechelen's success is based on several pillars:

- *Rigorous Selection* : Luc is known for his meticulous approach in the selection of his pigeons. Only the best are kept for breeding, guaranteeing a line of champions.

- *Intensive Training* : A well planned and executed training program allows his pigeons to develop their endurance and speed, essential qualities for success in high level competitions.

- *Optimal Nutrition* : Luc attaches great importance to the nutrition of his pigeons, ensuring that they receive a balanced diet adapted to their specific needs.

The Impact of the Victory of Bourges III

This victory at Bourges III has a significant impact on Luc Van Mechelen's reputation. It reinforces his position among the elite pigeon fanciers and is a recognition of his expertise and dedication to the sport. Luc's success is also an inspiration to young pigeon fanciers, showing that hard work and passion can lead to exceptional results.

Prospects for the Future

With such a victory under his belt, Luc Van Mechelen is well placed to continue to excel in future competitions. His plans for next season include increased participation in international races, where he hopes to continue to showcase the excellence of his pigeons.


Luc Van Mechelen's victory in the 1st National Vieux Bourges III is a landmark moment for the pigeon racing community. It celebrates not only Luc's talent and the quality of his pigeons, but also the spirit of competition and camaraderie that drives the sport.

Congratulations to Luc Van Mechelen for this remarkable performance which will undoubtedly remain etched in the annals of pigeon racing.

Note to Readers

For more information on Luc Van Mechelen's upcoming competitions and performances, stay tuned for our upcoming reports.

Mondialpigeons Articles

Luc Van Mechelen d'Oud-Turnhout :1er National Vieux à Bourges III 5529 pigeons
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