Dobbelaere Philippe Triumph in Orléans: 1st and 2nd Provincial out of 8358 Pigeons from 03/08/2024

Dobbelaere Philippe Triumph in Orléans: 1st and 2nd Provincial out of 8358 Pigeons

Belgian pigeon fancier Dobbelaere Philippe achieved an exceptional performance at the provincial race in Orléans in West Flanders on 3 August 2024. With his remarkable pigeons, he took the first two places among 8358 competitors, confirming his leading position in the pigeon world. These victories add to a series of successes for Philippe, thanks in particular to his high-quality pigeons and impeccable management of his breeding.

Mondialpigeons article
Dobbelaere Philippe Triomphe à Orléans : 1er et 2ème Provincial sur 8358 Pigeons du 03/08/2024
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