Bart De Clercq de Meulebeke: 1st Provincial in Pontoise on August 10, 2024, West Flanders, among 12,326 youngsters

Bart De Clercq de Meulebeke: 1st Provincial in Pontoise on August 10, 2024, West Flanders, among 12,326 youngsters

The pigeon world witnessed an exceptional performance this weekend. Bart De Clercq from Meulebeke distinguished himself by winning first place at provincial level in the Pontoise race on 10 August 2024, West Flanders. A victory all the more impressive given that the competition brought together no fewer than 12,326 youngsters.

A Remarkable Victory

The Pontoise race is one of the most prestigious in the pigeon racing calendar, attracting participants from all over Belgium and beyond. This year, with a total of 12,326 youngsters registered, the competition was fierce.

Bart De Clercq, thanks to his expertise and the talent of his pigeons, managed to stand out in a spectacular way. The winning pigeon, known as *“Blue Star”* , crossed the finish line with an impressive speed of 1,287.65 m/min, thus securing first place for Bart.

This remarkable performance is the result of many years of hard work and dedication to breeding and training top racing pigeons.

Profile of Bart De Clercq Originally from Meulebeke , Bart De Clercq developed his passion for pigeon racing at a very young age. Coming from a family of pigeon fanciers, he inherited his love for the sport from his parents, who introduced him to the intricacies of breeding and training.

Over the years, Bart has developed his own method, combining tradition and innovation to optimize the performance of his pigeons. Bart is known for his rigorous and methodical approach to pigeon racing.

His facilities in Meulebeke are among the most modern and best equipped in the region. He pays particular attention to the selection of breeding stock, seeking to create bloodlines capable of performing under all racing conditions.

Other Notable Results

In addition to his victory at Pontoise, Bart De Clercq has enjoyed other significant successes in recent years. Here are some of his recent performances that have contributed to his champion status:

1. *National Châteauroux 2023* : Bart took second place among 14,890 youngsters, confirming his consistency at the highest level.

2. *Provincial Tours 2022* : He won first place with a speed of 1,245.30 m/min, demonstrating the ability of his pigeons to excel over medium distances.

3. *2021 Limoges International Competition* : Bart managed to place three of his pigeons in the top 10, illustrating his mastery of long distance races.

Bart De Clercq's Philosophy What sets Bart De Clercq apart from other pigeon fanciers is his total commitment to perfection. He firmly believes that every detail counts, whether it is feeding, training or caring for his pigeons.

His philosophy is based on a deep understanding of each bird’s individual needs, combined with the judicious use of modern technology to track and analyse performance. Bart is also a strong advocate for sharing knowledge and best practice within the pigeon racing community.

He regularly participates in conferences and workshops, where he shares his experiences and strategies with other enthusiasts.


Bart De Clercq’s victory in Pontoise is a shining example of his talent and dedication to pigeon racing. His success is the result of years of hard work and perseverance. Bart continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in the sport, inspiring many other pigeon fanciers to follow in his footsteps. We look forward to seeing what his next performances and achievements will be.

Bart De Clercq de Meulebeke : 1er Provincial à Pontoise du 10 août 2024, West Vlaanderen, parmi 12 326 pigeonneaux
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